What I wish I'd known
Back in 2018, I published my first book. It was an intentionally short forty-ish page guide for first-time women authors that answered...

When your passion takes a turn
You know the moment your passion takes a turn. “Hard a-starboard,” it yells from deep inside your soul. It might begin slowly, as a...

Are you ready? Let's define ready.
Are you ready to right a book?

You can't unhear feedback
Everybody has an opinion and most are far too willing to share it. Unfortunately, what I call amateur feedback is among the most costly...

Should you bother to write a book?
It was 2 AM, and I was flopping around in bed like a fresh-caught mackerel that was dropped on the dock. It’s the night before my first...

Want your book done in 2023? Here’s your 4 must-do-right-nows
If you are a first-time author who wants to get your book into the world in 2023, I have some tough news. It’s dangerously close to too...

Avoiding sticker shock
Deciding to write your book is a big deal. Producing a quality book will require months of your time, significant commitment, and...

Why you need an author strategy
“I just can’t fit it in right now. You know, the end-of-year craziness. Can we talk again in January?” Sure, I respond flatly. Then...

Writing candidly about other people
You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should’ve behaved...

“Life doesn’t arrange itself conveniently into chapters”
Sharing your story on the pages of a book will seem like a good idea until you actually try to do it. Then you’ll discover, as Abigail...