4 Fears That Are Stalling Your Book
We often cite lack of time among the main reasons that of the 80% of people who desire to write a book, only 3% actually write one. Lack...
Swallowed by a whale? You just might have a bestseller
This headline might have grabbed your attention for a variety of reasons. If you live here in the U.S., you may have heard about the guy...
3 stupidly simple hacks for finding time to write
In a survey I conducted recently, women told me three things were holding them back: lack of time, lack of focus, and lack of confidence.
What do Ghostbusters have to do with writing your book?
Your ideas are crammed into your head like commuters on a rush hour metro train out of Manhattan. And when the doors open, they spill out...
Finding time to write is simple, really
What's the one thing women authors do to get their book written? It's simple, really.
Editing and the dance of criticism
Understand the dance of editing and how it will push your book to a new level of awesomeness.
Wonderful evening for a book party
It rained most of the day, with the occasional cloud-emptying downpour creating puddles everywhere. Humidity hung visibly in the air, in...
And suddenly, it's June
Don’t get me wrong, working your way through every concoction on the tiki bar menu by the end of the week is an accomplishment. But you need
Talking book writing with Ed Gandia
Being a guest on a podcast is a pretty cool experience. I was honored with the opportunity to talk about my passion for writing and my...
Hey woman, what's stopping you?
After years of working with women professionals and leaders, I have a sizable list of answers to this question. But those answers are...