Avoiding sticker shock
Deciding to write your book is a big deal. Producing a quality book will require months of your time, significant commitment, and...

Why you need an author strategy
“I just can’t fit it in right now. You know, the end-of-year craziness. Can we talk again in January?” Sure, I respond flatly. Then...

Writing candidly about other people
You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should’ve behaved...

“Life doesn’t arrange itself conveniently into chapters”
Sharing your story on the pages of a book will seem like a good idea until you actually try to do it. Then you’ll discover, as Abigail...

My missed opportunity
It was the opportunity of a lifetime. It needed to be acted on in the moment, or it would be gone forever. But I didn’t take action. I...

How much time do you really have?
I’ve never been a numbers person. I hated math. Still do. I just don’t have the patience (it’s an ADHD thing). I’m all about words and...

Don't write a book
Earlier this summer, I wrote about the lasagna factor and my client Kim. If you’re curious, you can read it here. Cheryl Strayed used...

Book writing for humans
“Does the writing part really have to take eight or nine months?” I get this question often from first-time authors. My clients are high...

This roadblock is bigger than lack of time
Today I want to address what I believe to be the biggest roadblock on your book writing journey. It’s a roadblock that even the most...

Why does writing a book take so long?
You’ve likely seen the pitches: “Write your book in a month!...In a weekend!...In your sleep!” I’m having a little fun here, but I’m not...