60 business and leadership books (all written by women) is just the beginning

In this recent Inc. article by Jeff Haden, he addresses the fact that on the extensive list of books on business, leadership and strategy, only a few are written by women. I am grateful to men like Jeff who are bringing this issue to light.
Women need to take advantage of our momentum and tip the scales on many levels. Writing a book is just one way to tip those scales. Research is continuing to provide fact-based proof that companies perform better with a healthy mix of women at the helm.
I believe adding a book to your accomplishments makes your business acumen public and irrefutable. It also provides leverage to use in many ways to benefit your career, your business, and our world. And we need to make crazy progress.
Write on, ladies.
For women only: my gift to you is a 30-minute brainstorm session to discuss your book idea and walk through this Blueprint Cheat Sheet together.
Don’t miss this opportunity to save countless hours of struggle trying to figure this out by yourself.